University Seminar Series: GW Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Transportation for Smart Health & Smart Cities (GRITS)
USS GRITS Seminar Series 2023-2025
11/15/2023 Shelly Bagchi
"Human-Robot Interaction Research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology" |
12/1/2023 Dr. Ki-Uk Kyung
"Are Soft Actuators able to be reinforced for Robotic Interfaces?" |
3/6/2024 Dr. Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee
"Towards Robotic Caregiving: Building robots that work alongside human stakeholders" |
5/1/2024 Dr. Jeewhan Choi
"Linearized Tensor Format for Performance-Portable Sparse Tensor Computation" |
9/20/2024 Dr. Naomi Fitter
"Where's My Robot Butler? Investigating Flaws of Current Robots and What to Do about Them" |
12/11/2024 Dr. Hae-Won Park
"Hardware Design and Control Algorithms for Agile and Versatile Legged Robots" |
1/29/2025 Dr. Chandan Vaidya
"Executive function in Autism: What have we learned with functional imaging?" |
3/19/2025 Dr. Bill Smart
Title TBD |
LocationScience and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Lehman Auditorium B1270 800 22nd st. NW Washington, DC 20052 |